This website is run by the Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums (SMTM). We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, and here we describe how complies with the accessibility regulations, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report problems so that we can fix them.
We know some parts of this website aren’t fully accessible. See the section on non-accessible content below for more information.
What to do if you can’t access parts of this website?
If you need content from this website that is not accessible for you, but is not within the scope of the accessibility regulations as described below, please contact us by email or telephone.
Telephone: +46-455-35 95 00
Our normal response time is one week.
Reporting accessibility problems with this website
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems that aren’t listed on this page or if we’re not meeting the requirements of the accessibility regulations, please contact us and let us know about the problem.
Telephone: +46-455-359500
Enforcement procedure
The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for enforcing the accessibility regulations. If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Agency for Digital Government to lodge a complaint.
Contact the Agency for Digital Government (external website)
Information on deficiencies in the website’s accessibility
This website is partly in compliance with the Act on Access to Digital Public Services due to the deficiencies described below.
Video recordings
Video recordings on the website (published before 23 September 2020) lack written versions, meaning a transcription or script.
Corrective action: Sound and video recordings published before 23 September will not be provided with alternatives due to a lack of resources. The sound and video recordings published on the website after 23 September 2020 will be provided with transcriptions as an alternative.
Sometimes, the website has longer waiting times than is counted as good performance.
Corrective action: A study to improve the performance has been done and an action plan is in place. The ambition is to improve the performance to a fully compliant level during 2025.
Corrective action on accessibility problems
Our ambition is to have resolved all known accessibility problems during 2025.
How we tested the website
Together with the procured web supplier Knowit Experience Linköping, SMTM conducted a self-evaluation of the website based on the checklists provided by DIGG on the website
Together with Knowit Experience Linköping, SMTM went through the website based on DIGG’s checklists in October 2019. Thereafter, a plan was prepared for the corrective actions that must be implemented for the website to fulfil the requirements in the Act on Access to Digital Public Services.
The development took place on a continuous basis and ordinary procedures for testing and deployment were applied. Due to budget cuts in spring 2020, SMTM has not had the possibility to implement all of the corrective actions planned. Some parts will therefore not become accessible until 2025.
In parallel with the technical development work, SMTM worked internally to examine the content on the website and prepare an action plan for the editorial sections and thereafter continuously worked to implement the corrective actions.
The website was published in autumn 2015.
This report was last updated on 21 January 2025.